...Atleast was my garden. The product of approximately 10 - 15 years worth of neglect (Bad times right?) It actually used to look worse! This was after a few days worth of mild maintenance to make it less of a forest. From the rusty bbq with a hole in it, to the unplanned wild grass flower beds or the bramble nightmare at the back, it was gonna be a lot of work. So I took this picture in 2014 with the mindset of 'I would like this to not look like a (pardon my french) shithole'. I never had any plans of being a gardener (I still don't) but I've been on a journey over the last 3 years that has led me to kind of loving gardening. So in this blog I will tell the story up to now about my front and back garden which will lead us up to spring 2017 and beyond. As an artist/designer writing is not my first passion, so please bare with me through any poor grammar and or spelling and enjoy the tale of how to garden on a shoestring budget.